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TSB (Tryptic Soy Broth) 9ml Tubes / MB-T1053-T50 (½ÄÇ°°øÀü 23¹ø ¹èÁö, ÀϹݱ԰ݰú µ¿ÀÏ)
  • »óÇ°°¡ (ºÎ°¡¼¼ º°µµ) 60,000¿ø

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      * 15ml snap tube¿¡ 9ml°¡ ºÐÁֵǾîÀÖ´Â »óÇ°ÀÔ´Ï´ÙºÐÁÖ·®À» º¯°æÇϰųª ¹× glass tube µîÀ¸·Î ¿ë±â º¯°æ ½ÃÁÖ¹® Á¦ÀÛÇüÀ¸·Î º°µµ ´Ü°¡ ¹®Àǹٶø´Ï´Ù.

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      TSB (Tryptic Soy Broth) Tube [MB-T1053-T50]

      (9ml, 14ml round tube)



      Medium used for the cultivation and enumeration of a wide variety of microorganisms.

      * Equally use with MFDS (MB-T1053K), KP (MB-T1053P), USP, EP and KFCC (MB-T1053C).
      * ¸Ô´Â¹° ¼öÁú°øÁ¤´ëÇѾàÀü¹Ì±¹¾àÀüÀ¯·´¾àÀüÈ­ÀåÇ°°øÀü°ú µ¿ÀÏÇÑ ±Ô°ÝÀÔ´Ï´Ù.








      Cat. No

      TSB (Tryptic Soy Broth) Tube

      50 tubes/box








      Suspend 30.0 G of powder in 1 L of distilled or deionized water. Heat to boiling until completely dissolved. Sterilize by autoclave at 121¡ÆC for 15 minutes. Cool to 45 - 50¡ÆC in water bath. Mix well. Pour into tubes.


      • »óÇ°Á¤º¸°í½Ã º¸±â
      • »óÇ°Á¤º¸°í½Ã Á¢±â
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      Àå¹Ù±¸´Ï ´ã±â°£´ÜÁ¤º¸ º¸±â

      TSB (Tryptic Soy Broth) ,MB-T1053 (½ÄÇ°°øÀü 23¹ø ¹èÁö, ÀϹݱ԰ݰú µ¿ÀÏ)

      +1 -1

      TSB (Tryptic Soy Broth) Modified ,MB-T0789

      +1 -1

      TSB (Tryptic Soy Broth) Hemin Menadione ,MB-T0637

      +1 -1
      TEL. 02-529-2282
      FAX. 02-529-2284
      ¿î¿µ½Ã°£: 09:00~18:00 | Á¡½É½Ã°£: 12:00~13:00 | ¾÷¹«ÈÞ¹«: Åä,ÀÏ,°øÈÞÀÏ
      ¿ì¸®ÀºÇà : 505-067957-13-001 ¿¹±ÝÁÖ : ±â»ê¹ÙÀÌ¿À

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